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News & Updates

Strategic Minds Shine at the Cesim Elite 2024 European Competition

Posted by Cesim Team on 4/19/24 3:06 PM | Reading time: 2 min.

This past weekend, the world of academic competitions witnessed the 5th edition of CESIM Elite 2024 Europe, a challenging event for students that took place from April 12th to 14th.

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Tags: competition, Elite, Cesim Elite, tournament, Elite Europe

Join the Elite: Cesim 2024's Global Business Odyssey Awaits!

Posted by The Cesim Elite Team on 10/12/23 3:31 PM | Reading time: 2 min.

The countdown has begun, and Cesim Elite is back for its 2024 edition!

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Tags: competition, Cesim Elite, tournament

Highlights from the Cesim Elite 2023 International Grand Final

Posted by The Cesim Elite Team on 6/14/23 10:45 AM | Reading time: 5 min.

The Cesim Elite International Grand Final of this year took place during the first week of June, from May 29th to June 4th. In this final, 16 teams from 8 different countries competed, having been selected from a pool of over 9000 students. And now, the moment you've all been waiting for..."

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Tags: Business simulations, competition, Student engagement, student motivation, Cesim Elite, tournament

Cesim Elite 2022 - international students unstoppable again!

Posted by The Cesim Elite Team on 6/13/22 2:09 PM | Reading time: 5 min.

After the success of inaugural champions Team The One from Nankai University in last year’s final, we can report the Cesim Elite trophy will stay in China for another year. Team Unstoppable from the Beijing University of International Business and Economics took the crown after a fierce week of competition.


Congratulations to the winners!



Team Unstoppable from UIBE, China


They were pushed hard by some excellent teams from around the world. Team PUC1, from Pontificia Universidade Católica de Campinas (Brasil) took second place, and third went to Team Zeroes, from the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode.




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Tags: Cesim Elite, tournament

Cesim Elite 2022 – The Journey Begins Here

Posted by The Cesim Elite Team on 9/1/21 5:06 PM | Reading time: 1 min.

All around the world business students are once again gearing up for an epic battle of minds. From Beijing to Buenos Aires they are steeling nerves, puzzling over SWOTs and swotting up on PESTLEs.

The world’s biggest business simulation competition starts again, and you’re invited!

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Tags: Cesim Elite, tournament

Meet the winners

Elite Step 4




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