For educators
For Educators

Increase student engagement and employability with business simulations that empower you in the classroom and online.

For corporate trainers
For Corporate Trainers

Develop and nurture entrepreneurial and enterprise skills within an organization.

Elite Step 4
Cesim Elite

Cesim Elite is an international business simulation competition for students and their faculty mentors.

Which business simulation is right for you?

Discipline focused, industry specific, or customized. No matter which business simulation you choose, you will get a modern educational tool built on sound economic theory. Cesim uses the latest technology to help you substantially improve the knowledge retention, business decision making and teamwork skills of your students or employees.

Cesim Global Challenge
Global Challenge
Strategy & International Business Management
Cesim OnService
Small Service Business Management
Cesim Project
Project Management
Cesim Firm icon
General Business Management
Cesim Marketing icon
Marketing Management
Cesim Hospitality icon
Hotel & Restaurant Management
Cesim Bank icon
Banking & Financial Services Management
Cesim Power icon
Electric Utilities Management
Cesim Connect icon
Telecom Operator Management
Cesim Retail icon
Retail Store Management
Cesim Dealership
Automotive Dealership & Business Management

Cesim simulations used in higher education

Subtitles available (CC)

What our customers say

Chris Coleridge

"We needed a simulation that would be relatively easy to get to grips with but with very satisfying and "realistic" levels of complexity and challenge. Cesim Global Challenge fit the bill very well for our Executive MBA students."

Chris Coleridge
Lecturer in Strategy
London Business School

Carl Voigt

"One of the key advantages of using the Cesim business simulations is the way that they're set up. Even the teams that failed learned a lot, because as they try to introduce corrective strategies, they saw that other teams responded to them or anticipated them and it gave them a real sense of what business is like. It's not just making decisions in a vacuum."

Carl Voigt
Academic Director for International Business Education and Research & Professor of Clinical Management and Organization
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California

Raluca Bunduchi

"The simulation has been a great addition to my strategy course. It is an extraordinary teaching tool to get the students engaged and enthusiastic about strategy, and the student feedback has been fantastic."

Raluca Bunduchi
Lecturer in Management
University of Aberdeen
Business  School

Simon Wilson

"All the graduates came back with the comment I expected, which is that banking and actually running a bank is an incredibly complex business! It’s not quite as simple as ‘pull this lever and this happens."

Simon Wilson
Risk Advisory Partner
Parker Fitzgerald

Topi Paananen

"I wanted my management to experience the main internal and external profitability drivers and challenges from the holistic point of view. Cesim’s solution offered me the opportunity to implement a case and a storyline that captured relevant aspects in a dynamic, competitive, and fun environment."

Topi Paananen
Peikko Group

Barbara Essono

"I think that the bank simulation represents, reflects as closely as possible, 'the real banking life.' Because we ask the attendees to work, to think as the board of a bank. We have the same issue, the same questions as the real boards of a bank. That's reason why we think it's the most relevant way to learn."

Barbara Essono
Program Director
Organization Development & Transformation
Société Générale

Trusted by 1000+ institutions worldwide

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University of Sidney horizontal logo light gray

University of Limerick logo light gray

INSEAD logo horizontal light gray

INCAE logo horizontal light gray

Nanyang TU logo horizontal light gray

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Zayed University logo horizontal light gray

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What participants say about Cesim simulations

Mikola S.
Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences

Who we are

For more than 25 years our mission has been to build fun and relevant business simulations that help develop skills and increase engagement. We provide a broad portfolio of easy-to-use simulations that speak 15 languages and work on any device and learning format.

As a team we are guided by customer intimacy, zeal for innovation, and commitment to continuous improvement.

Cesim Team horizontal