High Schools, Polytechnics, and Universities are increasingly pressured to prove that their school curriculum is improving overall student knowledge retention rate and employability. We at Cesim are dedicated to help you to do just that.
We believe that "for successful learning experiences, students need to experience a variety of instructional methods and that direct instruction needs to be accompanied by methods that further student understanding and recognize why what they are learning is useful" (Lalley and Miller, 2007)
Business strategy games belong to the realm of 'active learning', which entails all forms of learning where the participant is behaviorally and cognitively active. It complements theoretical education by providing a dynamic, reactive, risk free learning environment for students to engage in.
Cesim business simulation games can be easily integrated into any international business and strategy, marketing, small service business, hospitality, and bank module at undergraduate, graduate and even MBA levels.
Incorporating Business Games into your school curriculum will:
It has never been more challenging to be an educator than now. The rapidly evolving landscape of educational technology is drastically changing the way students consume information, and it is imperative that you keep up with them, or risk being left behind. The modern student is increasingly looking for ways to be engaged both outside and inside the classroom, and combining that with their natural aptitude for the digital environment, makes teaching them a difficult endeavor at times
We want to give you the right tools to succeed in the classroom of the future, and help you become a next generation educator with our intuitive, risk free, online business games.
Using Business Simulator Games in Your Course Will:
Whether you are a first year undergraduate student or an MBA, Cesim business simulations can help you put the concepts you have learned so far to work. If you are doing a research for your school on business simulation games, get in touch with us to help you succeed.
Simulation learning outcomes:
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of our business simulation games.
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Cesim provides a broad portfolio of easy-to-use business simulations for educational institutions and corporations. As a leading education technology company we offer customizable, flexible, web-based simulations, compatible with all devices and operating systems. Come discover why over 1000 higher education institutions worldwide are currently using our simulations.
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