The Business Simulation Blog

Workshop in France "How to teach with a business simulation"

Posted by Cesim Team on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 | Reading time: 1 min.

Workshop 1.jpgParticipants left full of ideas from our workshop organized in Paris on June 15, 2017. This training day was intended for an audience discovering Business Simulations.

Our training revolved around our Cesim SimBrand simulation. Our facilitator, Danielle Fish and the Cesim France team were present throughout this workshop to present the different subjects addressed and to discuss with the participants in a convivial atmosphere.

The participants were able to attend a short presentation of our solutions, their general functioning and the ideal conditions for using of this type of tool for an effective pedagogy. After this short introduction, participants were able to experiment in the role of the student on our marketing simulation.

After lunch, participants were able to continue their experimentation and discover the Cesim instructor interface and analyse the results of the previously played laps. Finally, the end of the workshop was devoted to the theme of pedagogy with business games, especially how to integrate a simulation to its syllabus.

The subjects discussed during the last part concern the different teaching formats (blended, online, flipped classroom), student monitoring and grading, and the role of the teacher in this type of training.

A Cesim certificate was given to each workshop participant, marking the end of the training.

We would like to thank all participants who came to learn more about the Cesim simulations. We organize regularly this type of events to connect with the community of user of our solutions.

The Cesim team

P.S.: You can read the original post in our blog in French here.

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Tags: france, Business simulations tips, How to use business simulations, workshop

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