The Business Simulation Blog

Why Marketing Simulations Matter - An Interview with Ross Brennan

Posted by Zsuzsa Jakab on Wednesday, September 07, 2011 | Reading time: 2 min.

Ross Brennan using Cesim Business SimulationsRoss Brennan is a reader in marketing at Middlesex University in London, England. He's the co-author of books like Marketing: An Introduction, Cases in Marketing Management, and Business to Business Marketing. He has also written a number of publications on various topics related to marketing. Ross has a long experience in using business simulation games in his courses, and will be utilizing the Cesim SimBrand marketing management simulation game with around 150 students starting from fall 2011.


The interview was conducted by Waqas Mir of Cesim:

Why Marketing Simulations Matter - Interview with Ross Brennan from Cesim Business Simulations on Vimeo.

 Download Free Guide Book Cesim SimBrand Marketing Simulation

Questions of the Interview:

Q1: What is your motivation for using business games in your marketing courses?

Q2: You have recently conducted a research on ‘Student Experiences of the Use of a Marketing Simulation Game’. Can you briefly summarize your findings?

Q3: How do business strategy games compare to other forms of active learning?

Q4: Do you think business simulator games becoming available online has changed the way you utilize them as a learning tool?

Q5: Why did you choose Cesim SimBrand and how do you plan to integrate it into your course?

Q6: And finally, what tips would you give to marketing educators considering using marketing simulation games?


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Tags: Educator 2.0, Case study, How to use business simulations, Why use business simulations

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