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Business Simulation Equips Telekom Austria Young Potentials for Future Challenges

Posted by Cesim Finland on Tuesday, January 10, 2017 | Reading time: 2 min.

Telekom Austria Group Young PotentialsTelekom Austria Group, the leading communications provider in Central and Eastern Europe, today takes care for more than 24 million customers across its 8 markets of operations, and has more than 17,000 employees. Telekom Austria Group's portfolio encompasses products and services of voice telephony, broadband Internet, multimedia services, data and IT solutions, wholesale as well as payment solutions.

Telekom Austria Group runs an annual development program for its Young Potentials through its business school. The Young Potentials program consists of three face-to-face modules in Vienna and a telecom business simulation game that runs alongside the program for six months with biweekly decision-making rounds. The telecom simulation game culminates at the final day of the program when teams pitch their experience to the Group's top management executives.

In the telecom simulator game, teams manage the strategy and decisions for their full-service telecom operators. All teams start from the same position and they compete against each other for market-share and profits. Participants operate in a dynamic competitive environment managing mobile, entertainment, and fixed broadband services for residential customers, solutions for corporate customers, network investments, and finance decisions. During the business simulation rounds, they also face digital transformation challenges that test their abilities to make strategic and operational choices.

Telekom Austria Group Business SchoolTamara Baric, Learning and Development Expert, from Telekom Austria Group Business School comments on how Cesim supported Telekom Austria Group with addressing all relevant needs of the program:

We as a telecom company are very much aware of the fact that the world and our consumers' habits are changing rapidly, which results in the fact that the new digital economy also requires new business models. In order to keep up with the trends, we as Telekom Austria Group's Human Resources Department want to equip the Group's young potentials with the 'big-picture thinking' of running the telecom business. Behind this business-related topic, there is also the idea of connecting teams: they form virtual teams based on their identified personal strengths and functional areas of their operations. We believe that they can develop more as employees through working in diverse virtual teams.


Watch the video below for more participant impressions of the program in 2014:

Case Study: Cesim Connect for Telekom Austria Group’s Young Potential Development Program from Cesim Business Simulations on Vimeo.


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Tags: Educator 2.0, Case study, How to use business simulations

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