The Business Simulation Blog

ENELFA - Business Simulations In The LdV Innovation Transfer Project

Posted by Zsuzsa Jakab on Friday, December 07, 2012 | Reading time: 3 min.

Cesim Business Simulations ENELFA – Entrepreneurship by E-Learning For AdultsThe project is expected to be an important element of a chain of projects which aim to establish a virtual training environment for SMEs. The current project focuses particularly on one major group: adults who do not have a strong economic- and business educational background, and the goal is to provide them with further education in these fields. These students may need different learning content and varied pedagogical approaches, which is ensured by the various e-learning tools the project provides.

Another main characteristic of the participants is that so far entrepreneurship might have only been an interest to them, but with the latest economic changes and insecurities, they may face the challenge to become a ”full-time entrepreneur”. SMEs are important, because 2/3 of all private sector jobs are secured by SMEs in the EU, not to mention the business they generate.

Despite its significant economic importance, entrepreneurship is not a preferred career option for most. Our Leonardo project will help to reverse this trend on the local basis in Hungary and Romania and set the right mindset at the levels of the mentioned large target groups. This is completely in accordance with the economic guidelines set by the Hungarian and Romanian governments.

Budapest Business School already has a diversified online curricula on a Master level where our business simulation Cesim Global Challenge business strategy simulation game has also been used as an educational tool. In the current project Web 2.0 tools, online e-learning modules and our business strategy game, Cesim OnService small business simulation game, will be used in order to make learning more attractive for the students of the target group.

Our role in the project is to provide our business game, Cesim OnService for the pilot training. First, we will train professors at Budapest Business School and Babes Bolyai University and show them what is the role of an instructor in a business simulation course, how the results of the students are interpreted and what are the phases of the learning process. After this there will be two pilot projects in Hungary and Romania in spring 2013, where students can test their theoretical knowledge in the virtual business environment provided by our Cesim OnService business simulation.

We are proud to be chosen as a partner in the project and are looking for more co-operations of this kind.


For more info about Cesim's role in this project contact:

Monika Csapo

Mobile: + 358 45 230 7762



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Project Contractor

Budapest Business School - Budapesti Gazdasági Főiskola 


Contact Person

László VARGA

Tel: +36 1 301 3427      




Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Babes Bolyai University




Employers and Craftsmen Association Cluj Napoca


Ecole de Management de Normandie 


New Mind SA



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