The Business Simulation Blog

Ten things every Business Simulation provider should be offering

Posted by Cesim Team on Friday, June 30, 2017 | Reading time: 2 min.

Choosing your Business Simulation provider can be a long-term decision and you should consider the lifetime value of the relationship. Below are ten things we believe you should look for in order to maximize your benefit and get what you deserve.

10 things every business simulation provider should be offering

1. Free trial access and initial training for instructors using the simulation.

2. Comprehensive instructions, presentations and videos for instructors and students.

3. Committed sales rep and unlimited technical support for students and instructors.

4. Online access from any device to allow for flexibility and opportunity to apply in blended and distance learning programs.

5. Multiple different simulations on the same platform to bring relevant content cost-effectively across different courses and programs.

6. Scalable and flexible simulations that are just as easy to use with thousand students as they are with ten.

7. Customizable simulations with support when you want to make changes to scenarios and parameters.

8. The ability to monitor performance and activity levels for teams and individual students.

9. Simulations in your language of preference to meet your curricular needs and student skills.

10. Ongoing training, updates to simulations, and opportunities to meet other educators allowing you to develop yourself and keep your courses fresh.

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